Learning Centre

A resource for our board and staff to stay informed and deepen our knowledge on a range of relevant topics.

First Fruit analyzes on a semiannual basis the regional and global issues that most affect people living in the Majority World,
while also examining the implications for the global Christian Church.

North Korea: A Ministry of Reconciliation

70 years ago, opposing sides of the Cold War divided the Korean Peninsula, which led to the establishment of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, commonly known as North Korea. North Korea is one of the most secretive and reclusive regimes in the world. There have been recurring famines and humanitarian crises, claiming the lives [...]


No Longer Lost in Translation

Over the last 38 years in more than 100 countries, First Fruit has had a front row seat to witness how God is drawing people to Himself. It has been a thrilling privilege. One of our largest areas of investment, and one of the most touching to be a part of, is helping make the Bible accessible to more people [...]


Rethinking the Good News of Clean Water

“Designate a place outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourself. As part of your equipment have something to dig with, and when you relieve yourself, dig a hole and cover up your excrement.” Deuteronomy 23:10-13 (NIV) While the above passage is not likely to be highlighted or [...]


Africa’s Tension Belt: The Changing Face of Mission

Exploring a mission call in the early 1990s, I developed a romantic notion of what it meant to be a missionary — rural, rugged, sacrificial, cross-cultural, frontline. But also in my mind it was mostly the West to the rest of the world. Adding to the image was my own heritage — [...]


Iran: Behind the Headlines

Nuclear threat. Political and religious oppression. Human rights violations. Economic sanctions. Rogue state. What does the media's fiendish portrayal of Iran's power structures say, if anything, about its citizenry? David Yeghnazar, Executive Director of Elam Ministries, reminds us in the following interview to be careful not to conflate the two. First Fruit:  What is the Iranian [...]


Fighting Ebola: A Call to Sacrifice

Amidst worldwide apprehension about the rampant spread of Ebola, a 120-year-old Christian mission, SIM USA, has become an unlikely focal point in the fight against the epidemic in West Africa. We caught up with Bruce Johnson, President of SIM USA, to get an update from the frontlines. First Fruit:  Some of [...]


She’s My Sister (Part 2)

Camille and Esther Ntoto, founders of Un Jour Nouveau, continue their riveting challenge to the Church as they describe what it is like for girls and women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This is the second of a 2-part interview.  First Fruit: Why is the Church sometimes complicit in the problem [...]


She’s My Sister

In helping to launch the United Nations campaign called HeForShe, actress Emma Watson states: “Sadly I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive [the same rights as men]. No country in the world can yet say they have achieved [...]


Middle East: An Existential Threat

The Supreme Council of the Evangelical Community in Syria and Lebanon has described the catastrophic actions of the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) as an "existential threat facing the future of Middle Eastern minorities" and a potential "annihilation of Christian presence" in the region. Unfortunately, those words are not hyperbole. In a [...]


Ukraine Crisis: Faith in a Multipolar World

The crisis in Ukraine continues to escalate and there is no clear path to ending it. We asked two prominent Ukrainian evangelicals to help the international community make sense of the crisis and offer thoughts on what the global church can do. Pavel Unguryan served as a member of Parliament [...]

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